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Donald Kee

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Entry 33, Fighting with exams.

Sorry for this couple of week i had not update anything, reason is simple. This 2 weeks i have been busying with my study and getting to clear up and remembering some of my technical formula i had forgotten in maths long ago. And Recently today i just finished my Mid year Oral, English. well, its was easy! my score is was 3,2,2,1,1 and probably some people had already know. Because once i got my result i just posted on my facebook before posted up here.

3,2,2,1,1. Looks like a perfect numbering. well my main aim were getting all 2 and 1 but due to lack of time i had not practice well in that 5 minute when given.
next week its mid year examination and after weeks we had couple weeks holiday.
i will try to keep on posting for newest detail.

Destiny Asked. 6:02 PM

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Entry 32, The enjoyable trip experiences. ( 1 day tour with mediacorp DJ )

Enjoyable trip with Mediacorp DJ, planning and time management meets the requirement and not a hurry trip. 1 day trip, i experience a lot of thing and improved my camera skills using a complicated video camera. we visited couple places and we had our afternoon tea at Pioneer whare @ boon lay, jorong point.

We visited Sheep forms, Free sheep milk where free given out as simple. i tried too, but it doesn't taste as good as what i use to drink always ( probably, i don't get use to it ),  Frog farm and i had my first fried frog leg, its test great! and i brought gife for my brother. well, its just a mini frog key chain. and we visit fish farm at Qian Hu and in my point of view so many fishes, style and ways of shooting picture it's kind of hard but i tried four times and i will be able to get a perfect photo.( sound like i just a level one shooter with a mobile cell phone. but actually, that video camera spend my first 30 minute in the early morning to test and try out before i get hand of it. )

The Afternoon tea break, Yay! well, this make me first ever mistake with food. sometime when you were in any restaurant having dishes and you see a sculpture in the center as act like an decoration. Be careful, some are made with non-eatable material. but most likely i seen most was made with food, like carrots. but today was happen was. i saw that decoration was made like a sweet but in fact it's not. well, my mum ask me not to tried it. but i was curious and then i try it by biting it. end up, it tested bad and got an scolding by the restaurant waitress. they told me that. its was made using salt. well, shame.
met couple of new DJ probably. and had close communicate with them. before going back we had a good brewed hot coffee which i enjoyed. well, thanks for the good coffee.
hopefully we can met them again in the trip.

most of the trip i went, its was a rushed schedule and hopeful next tour its an relax trips!

This fish was cough on the qian hu fish farm.
Visit Our FB for more!

Destiny Asked. 11:02 PM

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Msn, Hotmail's mail Scamming and spamming.

What are mail scams?

Mail scams are mail that send to you and asking for your particular information which you don't know the sender came from. sometime scam may includes fake information about him and making it like its real. in fact its not true. don ever trust anyone! who send mail and ask about any of your personal information!
sometime they said they had seen you before or met you. but please be cleared. don be fooled by them even they had your photographs! they can be photoshops!
Don't even reply them either! because your doing the wrong thing as in, you had send your mails back to them which may contain any spyware which already trap your data in.
Remember! don anyhow open a mail which you don't know who are them and the unknown data they given you!

What are mails spyware and virus?

when you seen a mail and you clicked on them. they may had receive or automated pop out to some unknown pages like, under 18 videos, free ipod, free mouse clicker, etc.
Mails are directed with scrips and code which you open the code or scrips will run on to your computer. sometime they insert any virus or spyware programs into the scrips even code. that how you got all the nonsense came from.

Couple days i received mails from unknown sender and claim that they were msn administrator. please don't be fooled by them, they were all scams!
Don't even send back your password and user name, Or even any information about you! You can simply remove them, or tick them on the left hand box beside the mail and make as phishing scams. and they will automatically removed

Please be aware of scams and hacks. even viruses from mails. every time we login you don't simply just see a mail that been send to you. don click them unless you know what its that. tick them and remove them. don's ever open them!

This scam were normally came from someone else and they failed to modified the original piece of mail.
Original MSN Team/ Hotmail team message.
Please click on to have a better view.

Click Them to see better.

[ Join our newest party in facebook now!! like link its just on the profile link site! ]

Destiny Asked. 5:30 PM

Monday, April 11, 2011

School Examination, Coursework Completion [EBS & CPA].

I'm sorry i couldn't tell you the activity question and requirement but i could tell you some. and most of them come from the preparation work we did long ago.

After a long way research, the difficultly level increased from 10% to the 87% which access work now.
But most of them i had completed them before i did the difficult part. Currently, in my point of view there only 2 question that is in a hard mode to me and i spend about 3 coursework section to finish it. and now i left one which i had to sketch or make a through explanation to my work about the sketch of an merchandise. that hard. i have to think a lot on my drawing and make sure it make sense when the markers look on it.

Current full completion of my EBS Coursework is 90%.
by next lesson i bet i could finish my last step and print them out.

For my CPA Coursework,

Current full competion of my CPA Coursework is 81%.
Currently all my web page it's completed and i have to do a final check before i can do my Documentation.
Documentation it's about all the description about my web page. example, Target audience, The main key point about my web page and requirement.
Requirement its simple, the web page must have a intro about what your web page about, image map, scrolling marquee ( all the directions ), image, roll over image, iron, button links, banner, audio file (music), Video, Name anchor etc.
Easy scrip and code nothing borders me.

Entry 31, The missing feelings.

couple of week after school honors day celebrations, i got a rest before the school PTM Duty.
my mind its full of ways to find a book to read, yet i doesn't had enough pocket money to spend on. even saving takes time, but book slot doesn't waits. while i read on Internets online books, most of them only give trial which i could only read only next few pages only.
Search on to Wikipedia or internet sometime, the information sometime were not relevant to the requirement i want even the key point it's there.

I know, money its everything. Nothing its free in this planet.
Horoscope said, An important reunion may occur during the week, Gemini, providing you with an opportunity to swap some stories with friends and relatives and reminisce a bit. At the same time you need to be careful about becoming a part of others financial schemes, regardless of how well you know them or how good their ideas sound. The next week will be about the need to protect your financial situation. It's certain that friends or associates may really have something that looks promising, but it's just not your day to get involved.

90% expected was correct. shown in the today horoscope said.... Destiny.

Destiny Asked. 6:26 PM

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cbox, Cheat box - Behavior.

Recently Few day ago, We receive A complaint about school mate sabotaging and getting a bad scolding from a teacher due to any form of misunderstanding act.

We Sincerely Apologize in any form of  Psychological trauma to you. but in any serious form of act that its not belongs to the human race, we will take actions against you!

Incorrect behavior, inappropriate words, sign and names.
We Strongly recommend you that if your trying to express your unhappiness to the comment please use a correct appropriate words and languages. we do know that your angry because of something. but still, follow the rules and regulations.
Please Avoid using inappropriate signs, We do not allow shortcuts and sign languages users or using in the cbox due to misunderstood etc. Inappropriate sign and shortcuts is commonly been used now a days. but we still void them is because many people don't like it and its show disrespectful to the others.
Inappropriate Names, Examples : I'm a Pro Hackers, Sexy, F**K U, Damu, YourM3umi3died. etc.
In any ceases of Inappropriate names, We will not hesitate to remove your comments and we wont reply them either. Please care for your own self image and i don't care how funny that name been written on that, but still think before you type in the comment.

There will be a notice placed up on the cbox area. please read and remember not to use them. Thank you for you understanding.

Destiny Asked. 7:33 PM

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Entry 30, The Future mind of an bookworm.

Weeks ago, Its was an busy traffic with the rehearse and now its was a free and easy go.
12 of April, its our mid year oral which we don't really care much. and yet, we were preparing like an singing competition. our teacher given us 1 set of paper which written lot of lot of words and told us to read it, and practice it in front of the class.

This day, i was getting off all my computer game slowly and possible i could sell them of to someone who wants it. but currently most of the game i had removed them from my computer and internet.
Currently looking for few books, Psychological books ( human behavior ) and how to win people and influence others. well, i tried to look around in the book store but they did not offers that kind books. Disappoint. sometime thing are hard to find around only available on internet shops. if anyone could find them, please kindly leave a massage to me on the Cbox below.

Recovering all the missing chapters in my studies, text books and teachers though us so far, revision too.
well, computer game were making me gone lazy and super addiction. in addition of late sleep. even coffee can't help. and it will make people felt tried no energy and no intention to study anymore.

Message for everyone, Study it for future and profit, Dose game give you any profit?
Like this on your facebook and twitter, button on profile!

Destiny Asked. 2:32 PM

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April Fool!

Welcome to the [C]raziest Week of April! Be careful with the surrounding of you or you might get trick!
Recently i have not done that to everyone else yet but remembers respect other, respect the property.
don't over loaded or you might end up getting trouble with others that you trick!
Happy April fool week!

Entry 29, One way, One goal. The end of School honors day, 2011. ( walk through )

4 weeks, almost 5 weeks. Every rehearse was enjoying but once the real begin, jokes became silent.
Stress its just a level of emotional, But willing to lead its an important skills to improve.Torturing and scolding its just a learning process when thing goes wrong and had to correct it on the spot.

Every day's rehearse end about 6 PM to 7 PM. We had homework or staff to rush about. scrips and Paper.
were all around the floor. Thinking about what should come first and the man power. Seriously, our man power wasn't enough on the spot due to some health problem to our Team mates. End up i lost a man and i have trouble solving who will help me. At last i have to do it my self by handling two to three item once.
only once i hit someone head with the mic stand while hurry in for my next duty.

Lucky i wasn't getting scolded because i hit someone else but infect i turn back and said. I'm sorry.
Stage left and right staircase were all crowned and i was not successful walk pass them. My mic stand keep on hit and probably damage other people instrument or the property that beside me.

but overall was a good experience i learn. But Coffee remain common in my life without it.

Live with mistake, Learn to be successful. Human are always full of talent, but depends on what they desire to be. Destiny Remains.

Destiny Asked. 8:18 PM

[ Notice: Inappropriate words,sign and names. The incorrect behavior. we will not hesitate to remove them and we wont reply them either. please be mindful. ]