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11:11:11. 3x11 EVENT.

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----- Our Motto -----
have the greater Spirit to face our Challenge and aware our mistake to build our Friend Ship & teamwork together.

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Respect, trust, Team Work, Protecting another, integrity, Brave, Discipline.

"Mukunedo"Self Defend Motto, Positive thinking of Marshal Arts, We learn to fight with honor and lose with pride.

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Donald Kee

Friday, November 25, 2011

Entry 55, Lost in the path of maze.

Path it's long and we might got lost anytime if the obstacle happened to be. ~ Destiny Rain.

Everyone had their experience of getting lost in the path of maze. And we probably had our experience of getting lost in the forbidden temper. Or probably we had our experience of getting lost in the expect of define, love.. etc. Many thing happened all around us, anytime. Without Guidance, we will always stay moody Because we doesn't has the correct way to put our self back to the path. Soon, emotional had their chances to took our reality of us.

Sometime, When emotional it's on us. We attempt to give all sort of reason and answer just because we wanted to escape the things that happened. Well, it's well known that it really happened to me just recently ago. It's such a pain that, i could lie to my friend and show them temper. sound really silly.
But some how, I'm always wanted to thanked my cousin/ sister as i always called her. She always advise me somehow to let me understand the way or to guide me through something but not really telling me what it's is.

People who had lost in the path of maze, you might be wonder off and flashback the olden days. you might find it silly or stupid.. etc. well, sometime. it's all really happened to our life and probably to everyone of us.

Guidance it's everywhere and hopefully you know which is the correct advise or suggestion. Always look for positive way of thinking and choosing. *like, If your asking. * How do i tell the person i loved and what really will happened?, If people said, something that negative. learn not to keep them. if they meant to be joke. just tell them that you're serious or maybe just ignore them. best is to seek respectful peoples.

Always be happy and open minded. it's help to keep you a brighter road for you to get through easily.

You can't over-write the destiny of yours. But you can change the way of destiny that going to set on you. ~ Destiny Rain.

Destiny Asked. 7:08 PM

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Entry 54, Bang bang, shining day. I've got an menu!

Wow! feeling another turn of an new day, but old week. Sound like today's it's another energetic day. where getting around even I'm stayed at home playing computer game. Argh, sound a boring things.. lifeless. Quit game and running out to somewhere else and grab our fun, far always.

Well, seriously. i wish, i would get couple work that making me out of breath than sitting like an stone in front of the computer. But, yeah. due to couple events and concert on the month of December and avoiding the loss of working and while taking leave to do something else. which is not good for us and the company.

39 days! that count down from today. It's going to be a new hole month of The year of 2012! Arh, what it's going to be today's menu?

Everyday of our life, there going to be different menu. million of thousands of menu, which one will you chose? Let me tell you, it's going to lead our feelings for our day. Wrong menu, Wrong feelings.

Lets say about yesterday theory, I was totally upset with. But, it's alright! everyday. we've new menu.

Alright, lets countdown for a new day of week and a new months of day.

*tip : Menu, day, feelings. they always represent or feelings and touches.

Destiny Asked. 11:01 AM

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Prom Night 2011.

18 November 11, A memorable experience for everyone of us.
To be honest, This prom night's budget wasn't as good as what we expected and everything happened so sudden. And we also found out that, the voting system wasn't as fun as what we expected through.
I bet, everyone had fun in the dance floor.

Entry 53, Always wanted to be experienced

Since when i was 2nd level of my secondary education, I've a target to get experienced on the prom night and know what is it to feel like.

Look like, one of my target is accomplished!

Before the day when prom night happened to be, I  had difficulty getting my prom suit ready. And i found out that my long pants doesn't fits me and i have to get an replacement.

Every Event happened to be, There always has difficulty on every thing we had. ~ Destiny Rain.

I seen everyone had their night suit and some creative design outfit. There even people look like an musician or detective. Sometime, I couldn't recognize my friends. Some were beautiful with their makeup. Beside that i wish i could get my personal DSLR cameras as soon as possible for every events. Because I've seen big cameras running around and they win me for sure in any cease.

But still, Smart phone wont bring things down in any cease. But still. every event. there always memory brought back together with us.

Nothing could bring thing down if we had the power to up hold it. Just to wish everything could go even better. ~ Destiny Rain.

Destiny Asked. 12:04 PM

Friday, November 11, 2011

Entry 52, Experiences between. [ EVENT 11.11.11]

Congratulations! You've passed another generations of 11x3

Hope you have a great wonderful 11x3. lets celebrate up!

Are you ready to present all your wishes to your friends?

Show your interest! read an letter or mails to your friends and give them all your wishes!

Congratulations to all new marriage couples and hope you've a wonderful lives.


Entry 52, Between The feelings[ Classified between ].

Spirit that living in somewhere else after the trips, you wont easily getting off. Because it's really enjoying and fun that ever stop. Missing the part where we were together.

11.11.11, Another special day has came. Yeah, only happened once! Every year, all around the world will celebrate this special day because it's a special number that happened only once in the calender. And i hope I'll be the same. But, kind of unlucky today through. hope it wouldn't be happened again.

Hotels and chalets, ( Understanding about them )

Well, To be honest. many people attempt to go chalets and not sure what are they and facility they have how i felt when I'm there.

Lets start from Hotels/ Resort,

Hotels has more facility than chalets and they have better service and much more cleaner than chalets and also comfortable and quiet. Hotels provide extra service which they have facility engineers and anytime they can fix up when you need their assistance. unlike to chalets.

They mostly near wild and large shopping areas or theme park like Genting Highland.


Chalets is much more kind like a family meeting areas or party groups categories. Chalets has much more lesser service compared to hotels. they have limited resource and limited beds for people who stay over night. they normally have personal room BBQ pits. But you'll have to pay for it before using the BBQ pits. You'll need to bring your toiletries and everything that you needed to use. Like toothbrush, body wash.. etc.

They are mostly near beach side and not really near wild shopping areas.

Destiny Asked. 10:12 PM

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Entry 51, Unsealed memory ( 3 days chalets )

3 days had just recently passed. What a quick rushing time as happiness memory created.

Memorable trips and i would start missed friends after today.
8th - 10th November 2011, Let the memorable memory been seal together between us.
Assignment : Photography (Hired).

Host said, I've been waiting for this. Since pass 4 years and finally it's succeed. Asst. Co Host said; Yeah, i hope we would host this memorable trip again. This is one of the trips where i could present my skills to my friends.
I wonder, will brothers stay together? Or just hopefully we would meet them when we're out in the society. Hopefully, we could stay together and put this memorable seal between us.

Working together with teamwork and lighten up the BBQ within 15 minutes. Even there obstruction on the 2nd BBQ. But nothing border us from getting it light up. Spirit that keep me on and ever gave up and that our friends encouragement. Thanks ivyn for guidance. Because i wouldn't able to work out my light source in that moment.
Time is always our precious moment that we keep in touch with. What else from missing it? Well, sleeping. To be honest, we spend time getting our self ready and recharge our energy for the next day activity. Who knows. we kept on missing our sun rise trips. That why we were upset with. I did felt the same.

Even the first day, i was pin pointed by friends. But i told myself, it's okay. we've the time to fix'em up. And it did. I'm great that they gave me another chance. I've tried to treat my friends like family members and tell them when there danger.
I did remember when they were drunk after couple of cup of alcohol. I couldn't sleep because i was watching them. but i was able to sleep for 1 to 2 hours. I' was totally Exhausted. even the coffee can't help me with. Sometime, i took my responsibility to taking care and aware of what happening.
Even through, I enjoyed during the wild wild wet. where we had fun in the lazy pool when i had couple time fail to balance and i keep on falling And the Sarah's birthday.

I wont forget this memorable trips and hope to keep touch with everyone of us. 
[ Assignment completed. ]
Life, Responsibility and awareness of every situation it's important. So, lets take our job seriously. ~ DestinyRain.
11.11.11 Happening Tomorrow! Keep in touch~

Destiny Asked. 7:08 PM

[ Notice: Inappropriate words,sign and names. The incorrect behavior. we will not hesitate to remove them and we wont reply them either. please be mindful. ]